Dry brushing : Why is it good for my body and how to do it?

Body skin brushing is becoming more and more popular today although it has been practiced for centuries in various cultures. The skin is our largest organ of elimination and the practice of dry brushing will help it to expel dead skin cells and toxin. 

What is the lymphatic system and why is it so important? 

The lymphatic system is made up of lymph (interstitial extracellular fluid), lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissues. The lymph not only contains our immune cells, but also fats, toxins and protein molecules that our body wants to expel. By itself, the lymph removes 75% of the waste in our cells

It has been estimated that our body is made up on average of 60% water(*) and 20% corresponds to the extracellular environment including interstitial fluid and lymph.  It means approximately 9 litres of these two liquids for 5L of blood. Now you understand a little more the importance of the lymphatic system to have a healthy skin :). 

What is Dry Body Brushing? 

Dry brushing is a natural method of exfoliation which has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years. It's one of the best ways to cleanse the skin without removing the natural protective layer of acids and oils. 

Gently exfoliating your body's skin with Ya Beauty natural brush helps to effectively remove the top layer of dead skin cells (accumulated dirt and acid) and deeply cleanse the pores, allowing to smooth its texture. 

What are the benefits of dry brushing? 

Dry brushing will detox and energise your body by increasing the blood flow and stimulate the lymphatic drainage to expel body toxins and dead skin cells. 

Build-up of dead-skin cells can make your skin looks like dry. In which case, gently exfoliating the top layers of your body skin can make your skin healthy and smooth again.  

In addition, exfoliation helps to prevent ingrown hairs by clearing dead skin cells that can trap hairs under the skin's surface. 

Is dry brushing good to fight cellulite?

First, we will explain what is cellulite.

Cellulite is an accumulation of waste and fat in the adipocytes of the connective tissues where the body retains water trying to dilute them. Overloaded adipocytes will then slow down the blood circulation and the lymphatic system, further decreasing waste elimination ... We are now in a vicious circle. 

Dry brushing is good for cellulite and uneven skin texture but it is not a silver bullet. Firmly massaging your body with natural bristles (for example in Sisal) will help to improve the circulation of fluid and break down the accumulation of lipids. Additionally, it will boost the lymphatic drainage to properly expel waste and soften the skin's surface. However, a healthy way of living is required to improve your "dimples" in the long term perspective. 

How to do dry brush your body? 

You can perform dry brushing with our natural Detox and Glow Body Brush on a dry skin daily before showering. You will only need 1-2 minutes. 

Any kind of brushing or exfoliation must be very gentle and should never break the skin. As long as there is no skin irritation coming from dry brushing, you can do it everyday. We recommend avoiding areas that have any breakouts, redness or eczema. 

  • Start under your feet and make your way up to your heart.
  • Perform long swiping motions on your legs and arms. 
  • Apply firmer pressure under the buttocks where fatty accumulation is more susceptible to be located. 
  • Do circular clockwise motions on your belly, following the direction of your digestive system. 
  • Complete very gently outward motions on your chest.  
  • Wash yourself with warm water. You can use soap if you want but it's not necessary. 
  • Optional: Moisturise your skin with a body oil, lotion or cream. 

We recommend using a very soft face brush on your neck and your face. 

(*) The assumption is made for an adult of 70 kilograms. We know that age and weight can modify the composition of the body (and the proportion of water).  

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